Shipping and return policies for Closure

Shipping Info
All items are packed, shipped and handled with care to avoid any damage during transportation.

All the orders are shipped thru Registered Mail (with tracking number).

Please wait an average delivery time of :

Mexico : 1-2 Weeks
North and South America : 2-3 Weeks
Europe and Asia : 3-4 Weeks
Rest Of The World : 4-5 Weeks
Return Policy
All items are shipped in a bubble wrap envelope to avoid damage, however damage made by customs and/or different other package handling process could happen. If your item(s) get damaged, please send a picture and send it over to with the subject : Damaged Order # (please include your order number for easy tracking) and we will get back to you with an additional cover or entire CD depending on the damage.

*Please note additional shipping costs will be requested and paid by the customer to ship the replacement.